Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Bugs, Mosquitos and Spiders

Last week on two occasions "flying Asian cockroaches" otherwise known as "Palmetto Bugs" were found in the office at work. One was in the office right next door to me and the other was in the office just across the hall from me. I saw the one in the office across the hall from me when the lady came running out of her office screaming. I dared to glance in her office and saw it on the wall. It was at least two inches long! When it took off to fly, I didn't stick around! I have been very freaked out about them ever since. I think they are going to spray the office this week! It can't be too soon for me.

I have been plagued by mosquitos since I moved here. My arms and face are most affected because they will get me at night when I sleep. But I picked up quite a few mosquito bites on my legs over this past weekend as well. So I have been trying to stay ahead of them whenever I come in and out of my door. At night, before I go to bed, I try to find any stray mosquitos on the walls or ceilings to swat them with my fly swatter. With my ceiling fan on low and my nightly mosquito search and destroy, I have begun to feel like I am turning a corner on my battle with the mosquitos.

But now it is spiders. I am attaching a picture of a spider that has built a huge web on my patio. Fortunately I don't have to walk through the web on my way to and from the carport. This spider is fairly big. I had already killed one like this by my outdoor faucet, because I needed to turn on the faucet. I don't like spiders at all, but when they are big like this, I can at least see them. I am going to have to find out something more about these. I am hopeful that maybe he and I have a common goal in doing in mosquitos. If we do, then I will tolerate him and let him live on my patio. If not, he will probably join his brother. Because I am very uncomfortable around him.

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