We finished our training class today at 2:30! A guaranteed way to get good evaluation comments is to end the class early! But we did accomplish all that we had intended. It took me a while to get the room cleaned up and back to the hotel. I needed a nap, but I spent about an hour doing some work. Besides, the hotel was testing their fire alarm system! It was incredibly annoying. I finally was able to nap later in the afternoon.A
fter a ride around the harbor in a speed boat and a water view of the Statute of Liberty, we had supper at the South Street Harbor. We ate at a Cuban restuarant. It was quite good! One of women I had supper with works for the New York health department. She had said that her daughter was late the morning of 911 and as a result she had to take the train to work instead of driving. If she had been on time that day, she would have driven and would have been parking her car in the WTC at the time the buildings were hit. As it was, her office was right there at the site. She talked tonight about what emergency actions her office took in response. She said that if her daughter had not made her late, she most likely would have been dead. Judge Teehan from Boston was having supper with us. He then said that his neighbor was supposed to be on one of those flights. He had run to catch the plane, but he was too late. So he caught a later flight. His family thought he was on the plane that flew into the WTC until he called them and let them know he was safe! It was amazing to be sitting in the shadow of all those buildings and hearing about some personal stories about 911.
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